Finance and Facilities Committee

Last published on Jan 03, 2023 04:19 PM MST
Meeting Time: 2:00 - 5:00 PM
1. Tooele Technical College - Request for Exception from Policy R555, Providing Facilities, Goods, and Services in Competition with Private Enterprise
2. Snow College - FY24 Land Bank Request Amendment
3. Utah Valley University - Non-State Funded Project (Soccer Stadium Request)
4. Utah Valley University - Architectural Programming Request
5. Southern Utah University - Architectural Programming Request
6. University of Utah - Lease Renewal for One Sandy Center
7. University of Utah - Disposition of Property
8. Alternative Financial Aid Form
9. Revision to and Renaming of Policy R506, Inventory of Budget Related and Self-Supporting Courses
10. Adoption of Policy R5XX, Annual Performance Funding Determination
1. Performance Funding One-Year Goals
2. Scholarship Report
1. Institutional Financial and Performance Summaries