Utah Board of Higher Education

Last published on Nov 07, 2022 01:06 PM MST

Finance & Facilities Committee


Meeting Time: 2:00 - 5:00 PM
1. 2023-24 Guidelines for the Review and Recommendation of Tuition and General Fee Adjustments by Institutional Boards of Trustees
2. Requests for Revenue Bond-Financed Projects for the 2023 Legislative Session
3. University of Utah - Addendum to Bonding Resolution, Series 2022C General Revenue and Refunding
4. Revision to Policy R345, Information Technology Resource Security
5. Capital Facility Policy Updates
6. Mountainland Technical College - Architectural Programming
7. Salt Lake Community College - Architectural Programming
8. Private Activity Bond Volume Cap Relinquishment
1. Update on Technical College Tuition Alignment
2. UHEAA and my529 Updates
1. Certificate for State's Moral Obligation Pledge for Debt
2. Annual Report on Institutional Revenue Bond Indebtedness
3. Auxiliary Enterprise Operations Report
4. Annual Report on Leased Space
5. Utah State University - Trustee Property Action
6. Snow College - Trustee Property Action