If a voting member has been allowed to attend remotely, identify that member, have them check that they can clearly hear and be heard, and that they are alone in the room. Note that all votes must be via roll call vote if any voting member is attending remotely.
Permission for Board Admin to move public comment up on agenda before Non-Public session.
Fam 400
Non-Public session conducted for the purpose of discussing investigations of alleged licensee misconduct and other confidential Board business. Such a non-public session is authorized by RSA 91-A:3, II (c) & (e), RSA 91-A:5, IV, Lodge v. Knowlton, (1978), and the Board’s executive and deliberative privileges.
Minutes of the non-public session are sealed to maintain the privacy of the items discussed in non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c), on the grounds that public disclosure may adversely affect the reputation of a person other than a Board member or render the proposed action ineffective.