Approval to enter into an agreement with Cardinal Health, as the primary pharmaceutical distributor, for a 3-year term with a 2-year option for an annual operational cost of an estimated $98,600,000.
BHPG, Approval to enter into an employment agreement with Dr. Channing Coe to provide Obstetrics and Gynecology services at Broward Health.
BHPG, Approval to enter into an employment agreement with Dr. Mikhail Mirer to provide Pediatric Neurology Services at Broward Health.
BHPG, Approval to enter into an employment agreement with Dr. Jose Baez-Escudero to provide Cardiac Electrophysiology Clinical Services, and Administrative Services as Chief of Electrophysiology and Chief of Cardiology at Broward Health.
Consent Agenda
BHPG, Approval to enter into an employment agreement with Dr. Arnoux Blanchard to provide Cardiology Clinical Services, Medical Directorship Services for the BHMC Non-Invasive Cardiology Lab, and GME Program Director Services at Broward Health.
BHPG, Approval to enter into an employment agreement with Dr. Joel Gellman to provide Cardiology Clinical Services, and Medical Directorship Services for the Echocardiography and Cardiac Heart Failure Programs at Broward Health.
BHPG, Approval to enter into an employment agreement with Dr. Yordanka Reyna to provide Cardiology Clinical Services, Congestive Heart Failure Medical Directorship Services, and Core Faculty Services for the GME Program at Broward Health.
BHPG, Approval to enter into an employment agreement with Dr. Chi Zhang to provide Bariatric Surgery Clinical Services and Medical Directorship Services for the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Program at Broward Health.