Approval to formally ratify and appoint the following Regional Risk Managers, under Florida Statute, Section 395.0197 and Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 59A-3,
BHPG, Approval for funding of up to $2,515,181 and authorize the District to renovate approximately 6,176 square feet of existing 4th floor at the Professional Office Building located at the Broward Health Medical Campus.
BHPG, Approval to enter into an employment agreement with Dr. Mehdi Bouslama to provide clinical Interventional Neurology services at Broward Health.
BHPG, Approval to enter into an employment agreement with Dr. Luis Grau to provide Orthopedic Surgery services at Broward Health.
BHPG, Approval to enter into an employment agreement with Dr. Alexander Justicz to provide Cardiothoracic Surgery services at Broward Health.
BHPG, Approval to enter into an employment agreement with Dr. Dyadin Esharif to provide pediatric gastroenterology services at Broward Health.
BHPG, Approval to renew an employment agreement with Dr. Ashok Sharma to provide Cardiology services and GME Core Faculty Services at Broward Health.
BHPG, Approval to renew an employment agreement with Dr. Scott Jordan to provide Gynecology Oncology services at Broward Health.
BHPG, Approval to renew an employment agreement with Dr. Kenneth Herskowitz to provide Cardiothoracic Surgery Clinical and Medical Directorship services at Broward Health.