Delegates submitted to FSBPT
Requests from licensing:
Can we put something in stating for the application to check the current license fee before sending in a reinstatement application. The application shows $220.00 but the current fee is only $110.00.
Can we provide where to find information regarding foreign trained PT/PTA? I get daily emails asking for information on what is needed to be licensed in NH but was educated outside of USA.
If applying through Endorsement, please use correct application (Universal Application) - Must be printed off and mailed in with payment. Only apply online if applying for an initial application or renewing your active license.
Phy 410.02 is on the JLCAR consent calendar on February 21st. Board will vote for adoption 3/18/2025
To be certified
“The Board will conduct a Non-Public session for the purpose of discussing investigations of alleged licensee misconduct and other confidential Board business. Such a non-public session is authorized by RSA 91-A:3, II (c), RSA 91-A:3 II (e), RSA 91-A:5, IV, Lodge v. Knowlton, 119 N.H. 574 (1978), and the Board’s executive and deliberative privileges.”
“The Board votes to seal the minutes of the non-public session to maintain the privacy of the items discussed in non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c), on the grounds that public disclosure may adversely affect the reputation of a person other than a Board member or render the proposed action ineffective.”