Authorizing the filing of (an) SFY 2026 application(s) with the Ohio Department of Transportation by the Butler County Regional Transit Authority (BCRTA) for grants through the US DOT Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the State of Ohio, as authorized under Federal Transit Laws and State of Ohio laws and executing a contract with the Ohio Department of Transportation upon project approval.
Authorizing the Purchase of Maintenance Parts.
Removing and Appointing the Transit Alliance of Butler County (TABC) Board of Directors.
Authorizing the BCRTA Executive Director to Negotiate and Execute a Lease for Office Space.
Amending Resolutions 22-09-02, 23-09-01, and 24-11-07
Authorizing the Butler County Regional Transit Authority
(BCRTA) Executive Director to Execute a Task Order for Parking
Lot Expansion Designs.
Hamilton "FASST" Project Update
OnBoard 101:
Conflict: IW / BCRTA / NeoRide
Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code §121.22 G(1) to consider the employment and compensation of a public employee and
Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code §121.22 G(3) to conference with an attorney for the public body concerning disputes involving the public body that are the subject of pending or imminent court action