Official action can only be taken on items which appear on the agenda. The RUSO Board of Regents may adopt, approve, ratify, deny, defer, recommend, amend, strike, or continue any agenda item. When more information is needed to act on an item, the Regents may refer the matter to the Chief Executive Officer or Legal Counsel. The Regents may also refer items to staff or committees for additional study. Under certain circumstances, items are deferred to a specific later date or stricken from the
agenda entirely.
Program Modification:
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish (038) – program requirement change, no change in total hours for degree
Program Deletion:
Bachelor of Science in Special Education Mild/Moderate Disabilities (099)- delete program. No students enrolled. Delete 10 courses from inventory.
Program Modification requests for the following programs:
Master of Education in Education (Natural Science Education option)
Bachelor of Science in Education in Special Education
Master of Education in Education (Reading Specialist option)
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Music in Music Therapy
Bachelor of Music Education
Master of Music
Human Resource Management Certificate
New Program Requests for the following programs:
Professional Community Counseling LPC
Professional School Counseling LPC
Property Location: 830-832 E. 14th St., Ada, OK 74820
Property Description: 830-832 E. Main is adjacent to the ECU campus. The sales appraisal value is $173,000. Purchase of this property is congruent with ECU’s capital master plan.
Amount: $173,000.00 + closing costs
Source of Funds: 290 E&G
East Central University has submitted to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education a request to be included on the Real Property Master Lease Program Potential Project Listing to utilize master lease funds for two different potential projects. Such submission was due to OSRHE on or before January 24, 2025, in order to be submitted within the first seven days of the legislative session.
The first project is for residential hall repairs and renovations in an amount not to exceed $18,000,000.
The second project is for the construction of a new student dining facility in an amount not to exceed $12,000,000.
ECU, should it decide to move forward with these projects, will seek approval from the RUSO Board at that time.
As we work to expend the funds provided by the State of Oklahoma during academic year 2024-2025, below are the projects we are working on as authorized by SB1185 for deferred maintenance:
Roofing Replacements: $2,122,771
HVAC Replacements: $1,072,524
Total Deferred Maintenance to be reallocated: $3,195,295
Amount estimated to be used for Knight Hall and the student dining hall: $384,250
Project # 120-0060 Health and Safety Projects
Project Description: Request approval to award contracts to multiple vendors in an amount not to exceed $750,000 for the purpose of abating asbestos containing ceiling texture of 31,666 square feet of the second and third floors of West Hall dormitory. This is phase 1 of a 2-phase project. Environmental Action, Inc., (abatement) and Enercon (air monitoring) are on state contract.
Requested Funding Approval: $750,000
Budget Breakdown: $580,000 abatement/Environmental Action, Inc., $170,000 air monitoring/Enercon
Vendors: Environmental Action, Inc. & Enercon
Congruent with Facility Master Plan or Strategic Plan: Yes
Fund Source(s): Auxiliary
Project # 120-0013 Streets, Sidewalks, Lights, and Landscaping
Project Description: Request approval to award a contract to Trinity Builds in an amount not to exceed $325,000 to replace concrete drive at Main and Garland Godfrey. The project area covers 20,000 square feet of roadway that is in major disrepair. Trinity Builds has an on-call construction manager contract. (June 2024 RUSO)
Requested Funding Approval: $325,000
Budget Breakdown: $325,000 construction
Vendors: Trinity Builds
Congruent with Facility Master Plan or Strategic Plan: Yes
Fund Source(s): Section 13
Project # 120-0033 Existing Buildings Renovations and Additions
Project Description: Request approval to award contracts to multiple vendors in a total amount not to exceed $300,000 for the renovation of the Forensic Science Institute (FSI) Rm 119C and Rm 136. The renovation will include the conversion of 660 square feet of open office space into three individual faculty offices and conversion of 290 square feet of former I/T server room to a conference room. Work is needed to accommodate additional faculty requirements as part of FSI’s new doctoral program. Timberlake Construction has an on-call construction manager contract. (June 2024 RUSO)
Requested Funding Approval: $300,000
Budget Breakdown: $185,000 for construction/Timberlake, $35,000 for design and engineering/FSB, $80,000 furniture and equipment
Vendors: Timberlake Construction, FSB Architects & Engineers
Congruent with Facility Master Plan or Strategic Plan: Yes
Fund Source(s): Course Fees
Project # 120-0027 Major Repairs and Deferred Maintenance
Project Description: Request approval to award contracts to multiple vendors in a total amount not to exceed $150,000 for the renovation of three Health and Environmental Science building classrooms 104, 106, and 206A. The renovation includes the remodel of 1,361 square feet of classroom space and the conversion of 507 square feet of computer lab space to a student lounge. Timberlake Construction has an on-call construction manager contract. (June 2024 RUSO)
Requested Funding Approval: $150,000
Budget Breakdown: $75,000 for construction/Timberlake, $35,000 for Audio/Visual, $40,000 furniture and equipment
Vendors: Timberlake Construction
Congruent with Facility Master Plan or Strategic Plan: Yes
Fund Source(s): Course Fees
Request to solicit proposals
For professional services/sculptor to create and install life-size bronze statue of Chickasaw Citizen, Daniel (Dan) Hays
Fundraised Dollars
East Central University recently obtained two proposals for a new student dining services vendor. Both reflect an enhancement to the overall dining experience on campus including capital investments in the current dining hall and the student University Center. Both of the proposals are for a term of thirteen (13) years. The total amount of capital investments, contributions and commissions were $14,218,156 (vendor A) and $14,283,000 (vendor B). The university is requesting approval to begin negotiations and enter into a contract with vendor B on a multi-year agreement to begin on June 1, 2025, if the parties come to an agreement on the terms. Once negotiations are complete, the contract will be reviewed by the RUSO General Counsel’s office.
Biology Thesis Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $
Proposed: $125.00
Revenue +/-: $2,500
Total Revenue: $2,500
Education Dissertation Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $
Proposed: $350
Revenue +/-: $14,000
Total Revenue: $14,000
Graduate Application Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $
Proposed: $20
Revenue +/-: $8,000
Total Revenue: $8,000
College of Education Testing/Clinical Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $-
Proposed: $ 0.50
Revenue +/-: $ 20,000.00
Total Revenue: $ 20,000.00
College of Liberal Arts Testing/Clinical Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $-
Proposed: $ 0.50
Revenue +/-: $ 22,177.00
Total Revenue: $ 22,177.00
International Enhancement Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $-
Proposed: $ 7.50
Revenue +/-: $ 37,500.00
Total Revenue: $ 37,500.00
Graduate Enhancement Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $ 5.00
Proposed: $ 6.50
Revenue +/-: $ 37,958.00
Total Revenue: $ 164,483.00
College of Liberal Arts Special Instruction Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $ 7.50
Proposed: $ 7.50
Revenue +/-: $-
Total Revenue: $ 332,655.00
Occupational Therapy Application Fee
Per: Use
Current: $ 25.00
Proposed: $ 50.00
Revenue +/-: $ 1,100.00
Total Revenue: $ 2,200.00
Academic Enhancement Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $ 30.00
Proposed: $ 40.00
Revenue +/-: $ 1,500,000.00
Total Revenue: $ 6,000,000.00
Massey School of Business Academic Services Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $ 20
Proposed: $ 22
Revenue +/-: $ 15,000
Total Revenue: $ 380,000
School of Arts & Sciences Academic Services Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $ 20
Proposed: $ 22
Revenue +/-: $ 35,000
Total Revenue: $ 780,000
School of Education & Behavioral Sciences Academic Services Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $ 20
Proposed: $ 22
Revenue +/-: $ 18,000
Total Revenue: $ 360,000
Graduation Fee
Per: Use
Current: $ 45
Proposed: $ 50
Revenue +/-: $ 9,200
Total Revenue: $ 90,000
Pharmacy Academic Service Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $ 6.00
Proposed: $ 7.00
Revenue +/-: $ 7,500
Total Revenue: $ 52,500
International Application Fee
Per: Admission
Current: $ 25
Proposed: $ 100
Revenue +/-: $ 11,250
Total Revenue: $ 11,250
Academic Service Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $ 15
Proposed: $ 30
Revenue +/-: $ 1,625,000
Total Revenue: $ 3,250,000
International Student Maintenance Fee
Per: Per Semester
Current: $ 0
Proposed: $ 100
Revenue +/-: $ 30,000
Total Revenue: $ 30,000
Chemistry/Science Lab Fee
Per: Per Course
Current: $ 0
Proposed: $ 40
Revenue +/-: $ 20,000
Total Revenue: $ 20,000
Distance Learning Fee
Per: Per Course
Current: $ 40
Proposed: $ 0
Revenue +/-: $ (1,900,000)
Total Revenue: $ 0
University of Central Oklahoma requests a transfer of $450,000 from (290) E&G Funds to (295) Capital Funds established by OSRHE for capital projects. $300,000 (Facilities agenda item 1.c. Forensic Science Institute renovation), $150,000 (Facilities agenda item 1.d. Health and Environmental Science renovation) pending Board approval (February 2025).
Blackboard, student and technical support services, Year 2 of 3-year agreement.
Source: Technology Fee…………..…….……....….$501,492
Computer Replacements, Microsoft ends support for Windows 10 on November 14, 2025. Windows 11 is not compatible with the hardware in ineligible systems. Approximately 520 computers, monitors and peripherals.
Source: Section 13……………........………………….$600,000
Net Zero Changes:
College of Business – Special Instruction Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $ 18.40
Proposed: $ 20.50
Revenue +/-: $ 86,100
Total Revenue: $ 840,500
College of Business – Classroom/Laboratory Supply and Material Fees
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $ 2.10
Proposed: $ 0
Revenue +/-: $ (86,100)
Total Revenue: $ 0
College of Education & Professional Studies – Special Instruction Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $ 16.91
Proposed: $ 17.91
Revenue +/-: $ 68,669
Total Revenue: $ 1,229,862
College of Education & Professional Studies – Facility/Equipment Utilization Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $ 17.17
Proposed: $ 16.17
Revenue +/-: ($ 68,669)
Total Revenue: $ 1,110,378
College of Fine Arts and Design – Special Instruction Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $38.97
Proposed: $ 40.97
Revenue +/-: $40,000
Total Revenue: $819,400
College of Fine Arts and Design – Classroom Supplies/Materials Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $9.14
Proposed: $7.14
Revenue +/-: $ (40,000)
Total Revenue: $142,800
Forensic Science Institute – Special Instruction
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $ 19.31
Proposed: $ 21.86
Revenue +/-: $ 17,850
Total Revenue: $ 153,020
Forensic Science Institute – Facility/Equipment Utilization Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $ 20.64
Proposed: $ 23.00
Revenue +/-: $ 16,520
Total Revenue: $ 161,000
Forensic Science Institute – Classroom Supplies Utilization Fee
Per: Credit Hour
Current: $ 8.91
Proposed: $ 4.00
Revenue +/-: ($ 34,370)
Total Revenue: $ 28,000
New Fees:
International Optional Practical Training (OPT) Application Fee, 1-yr Post Completion
Per: Use
Current: $ 0.00
Proposed: $ 100.00
Revenue +/-: $ 19,700
Total Revenue: $ 19,700
International Optional Practical Training (OPT) Application Fee, 3-yr STEM Extension
Per: Use
Current: $ 0.00
Proposed: $ 200.00
Revenue +/-: $ 15,200
Total Revenue: $ 15,200
Central Oklahoma Family Medical Center
Contracted on-campus Student Health Services Clinic
Source: Fund 730 $125,00.00
Trane US Inc.
For HVAC service technician labor onsite daily Monday through Friday for equipment assessments, diagnostics, and consulting for 3 months
Source: Fund 290 $94,500.00
Audio equipment and services for campus activities: Jerad Bradt (Boss Music), Alva, Oklahoma, at a cost not to exceed $60,000 (Various funds)
Replacement of the curtains in Herod Hall auditorium: Integrated Lighting Systems, Tulsa, Oklahoma, at a cost of $52,680 (Fund 705 Auxiliary)
Replacement of the stage lighting in Herod Hall auditorium: Integrated Lighting Systems, Tulsa, Oklahoma, at a cost of $99,800 (Fund 295, Section 13-Deferred Maintenance one-time funds)
ABM Industries, consumables for the Nigh University Center, housing, and dining.
Source: Auxiliary…………………..…….……………............$65,000
Inceed LLC., contract technical staff.
Source: Technology Fee….………….……..…………........$81,120
Apporto Corporation, virtual lab licensing.
Source: E&G………………..……………………..…….…........$51,000
OneFire Media Group Inc., marketing consulting services.
Source: Unrestricted Cash……...….…..……...…...........$54,720
Xcalibur, professional consulting services.
Source: Grant……….………………..…………..…….…........$58,670