Charter School of Morgan Hill

Last published on Mar 09, 2025 10:47 AM PDT

CSMH Board of Directors Meeting - March 11, 2025

Mar 11, 2025 05:30 PM PDT

9530 Monterey Road Morgan Hill, CA 95037

Call to Order
Roll Call of Members
Pledge of Allegiance
Acknowledge the Mission and Vision Statement

Charter School of Morgan Hill uses project-based learning, strong family involvement and community interaction to develop lifelong learners prepared to be successful and innovative participants in the global community.

Adoption of Agenda
Approval of Minutes
Approval of Minutes from February 25, 2025
Public Comment - members of the public may speak on any topic not on the agenda

Please submit a "Speaker's Request" to Vivianne Brager prior to the meeting being called to order. Upon recognition by the Chair of the Board, please identify yourself before speaking. The CSMH Board of Directors reserves the right to limit speaking time to three (3) minutes or less per individual, and to limit the total time for public communication to no more than 20 minutes.

Action Items
Approve CSMH 2nd Interim Budget Report

In accordance with Education Code 42130, a charter school is required to submit twice during the fiscal year (December 15 and March 15) a financial report certifying the school’s ability to meet its financial obligations. These reports examine the school’s enrollment, spending pattern, fund balance, and reserve for economic uncertainties.

There are several purposes for these reports:

• To provide a review of the school’s financial condition at periodic intervals during the fiscal year

• To provide a status report to the Board of Directors, the charter school’s authorizer, the County Office of Education, and the public on the financial condition of the school

• To determine necessary budget revisions as a result of current or projected financial information

• The interim reports reflect adopted, revised, and projected budgets. This second interim report reflects the financial and budgetary status as of January 31, 2025

It is recommended that the Board of Directors approve the CSMH Second Interim Financial Report.

Approve the 4th grade overnight field trip April 3rd-4th

The 4th graders participate in an overnight field trip to support their study of California's history.  This year, the group will be attending the Sierra Outdoor School.  This program is provided through the Clovis Unified School District.  More information about the camp and a sample schedule can be found here -

Parent drivers and chaperones will be needed for this experience.  All three 4th grade teachers will attend.  The cost of the trip is approximately $208/person. This cost includes one night’s accommodations, camp instructors, dinner, breakfast, and lunch. A CSMH Foundation grant will cover the trip's full cost.

It is recommended that the CSMH Board approve the 4th grade overnight field trip from April 3rd-4th.

Accept the CSMH Foundation grants and approve the budget adjustments

$10,000 - this grant will be used for the cost of the Washington DC field trips scholarships. The field trip budget (5835) will increase by $10,000.

$400,000 - this grant will be used to offset construction costs. The appropriate budgets will increase accordingly. The costs of these projects will be depreciated.

It is recommended that the CSMH Board approve the CSMH grants and budget changes.

Approve the contract addendum between CSMH and LunchMaster for 2025-2026

We currently have a contract with LunchMaster for our food service program. The attached addendum represents the prices for the 2025-2026 school year. I have also attached to this email a spreadsheet that shows CSMH's breakfast and lunch costs for the 2024-2025 school year through January 31st.

It is recommended that the CSMH Board approve the addendum between CSMH and LunchMasters for the 2025-2026 school year.

Approve CSMH's Comprehensive School Safety Plan

The CSMH Board of Directors is responsible for approving a Comprehensive School Safety Plan each year. The plan was rewritten last year and there are only minimal updates to this year's plan.

The State is requiring that schools add emergency closure procedures to their school safety plans by July 1st. They released their guidance on instructional continuity plans on March 1st. We are reviewing this guidance, will be updating the safety plan, and bringing it back to the Board.

The plan can be found here.

It is recommended that the CSMH Board approve CSMH's Comprehensive School Safety Plan.

Discussion Items
Discuss current enrollment and lottery
Executive Director report
Prinicpal report
Board Members reports
Upcoming Events

March 18th-20th - minimum days for parent / teacher conferences

March 22nd - Santa Clara County job fair

March 27th - CSMH talent show at 5:30 pm

March 28th - staff development day

March 31st - no school

April 1st-3rd - CSMH plant sale

April 4th - 11th - 8th grade in Washington DC

April 14th - 18th - Spring Break

April 22nd - CSMH Board meeting
