Please see page 6 of the attachment.
Meetings of the California State University, Long Beach 49er Foundation Board of Directors and any of its committees are open to the public. If requested prior to the start of the meeting via [email protected], a member of the public may comment on any agenda item, or any item under the jurisdiction of the Board or committee. Public comments are limited to three (3) minutes per individual, and such time is not transferrable to another individual. The Board reserves the right to limit the number and duration of public comments at a particular meeting or on a particular agenda item based on time constraints. No questions will be entertained by the Board or committee during public comment.
Audio/Video Recording Consent: All Board and committee meetings of the California State University, Long Beach 49er Foundation are subject to audio and video recording. Attending any such meeting in person, via a virtual conference platform or telephone affirms the attendee’s consent to audio and video recording.